Author: admin

#Choosetochallenge how space is ‘dressed’ to fit only capitalist, misogynist heteronormative ideals. Cities are for everyone, from the migrants to the farmers, from the young to the old, from LGBTQI persons to the sex worker. In the 1990s, different streams of academics, like geographers and urban...

The Global Coalition on Inclusive and Safe Spaces and Cities for Women and Girls, as a member of the Leadership Group of the UN Generation Equality Action Coalition to end GBV convened the first of its webinars on December 8th to commemorate the Global 16...

At Safetipin, our work is aimed at making public spaces safer for women. So, I have spent a considerable amount of time understanding what safety means and within that, what it means to different people. For the 19-year old married woman I met in a village...


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